Kisii University and University of Minnesota collaboration:
Setting up of partnership of mutual benefit to the two
500 Volumes of Law books donated to Kisii University School of Law
Helped with accreditation of Law school
Medical books Used in their health sciences courses
Libraries at 41 of Gusii Kenya's rural schools are being created or enhanced with the 20,000+ BFA books sent thanks to Minnesota Kenyans International Development Agency (MKIDA) and MoneyGram International.
For many years, Gusii Kenya's rural schools have been severely under-performing in national examinations as compared to other schools in the region and Kenya as a whole. Paul Morande, executive director of MKIDA, wants to change this: "Many Kenyans in Minnesota supported this effort to provide books for the poorest schools in the country. We wanted to help everyone in these communities, not just the children but also the parents, to experience the hope and opportunity that arrive when one has books to read."
Forged partnerships with Books For Africa,
Mindful Generations, University of Minnesota
(with the first official visit to Kisii in February of
About 132,000 books (six 40-foot containers)
distributed across Kisii and Nyamira Counties
Books distributed to: Kisii University Law School,
43 primary and secondary schools, St. Paul TTC in
Nyabururu, and vocational colleges in Kisii and
Nyamira (Gusii Technical institute and Keroka
Technical Institute)
A total of 6 containers have shipped
Each container with 22,000 pieces of books.
255 libraries have been established
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